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Cattle? Pigs? Chicken? Sheep?

In recent years, there is many people voice out for animal rights, but it only includes the pets like dogs or cats, and endangered...


夜晚的降临对有些人来说或许是一天的结束,但是对他来说,生活才悄悄开始。 温柔的路灯静静地为这个在马路旁的小摊口照亮前方,让经过的人会不经意地看向他一眼。这样一间卖包子的小摊口也驻立在这里五六年了,每一天都风雨不改。 我闻着包子香走向小摊口,路灯照耀着前进的道路,让人不再畏惧...

Hot Steamed Bun In a Lonely Night

For some people, the coming of the night might be the end of the day; but for him, life just begins quietly. The street lamp illuminates...

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